เหมือนใจ, ., & Mueanjai, <. (2014, October 16). คำนิยามของเหตุการณ์ 3 หน่วยร่วมในมุมมองใหม่ A Definition of Three-Participant Event from a New Perspective. Songklanakarin : E-Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities [Online], 20(3). Available: https://kaekae.oas.psu.ac.th/ojs/psuhsej/viewarticle.php?id=1087.
คำนิยามของเหตุการณ์ 3 หน่วยร่วมในมุมมองใหม่ A Definition of Three-Participant Event from a New Perspective
Suthatip Mueanjai, Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University
The objective of the study is to propose
a definition of three-participant event from a new
perspective which is more inclusive and elaborate
in terms of semantic and syntactic properties than
those in the previous works. The study was carried
out by analyzing the 4 previous studies: Margetts
2002; 2007, Margetts and Austin 2007, and Enfield
2007. The definition of three-participant event
proposed in this paper is that the event with three
cognitively salient participants. The valency
necessity and the communicative purpose
(Faulhaber, 2011) are the cognitive saliency
properties of the participants. The 3 participants are
semantically required by the event in order that the
conceptualization of the three-participant event is
fulfilled. The 3 participants are also pragmatically
required unless the communicative goal is failed.
These cognitive saliency properties are reflected on
the syntactic realization of the participants as core
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