มณีใส, ., & maneesai, <. (2010, September 7). Theses in Traditional Thai Literature (1977-1987) วิทยานิพนธ์ด้านวรรณคดีแบบฉบับของไทย(ระหว่าง พ.ศ.2520-2530). Songklanakarin : E-Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities [Online], 16(2). Available: https://kaekae.oas.psu.ac.th/ojs/psuhsej/viewarticle.php?id=751.
Theses in Traditional Thai Literature (1977-1987) วิทยานิพนธ์ด้านวรรณคดีแบบฉบับของไทย(ระหว่าง พ.ศ.2520-2530)
Chosita maneesai, Department of Thai, Factuly of Liberal Arts, Thammasat University
The theses in traditional Thai literature from 1977 to 1987 are largely concerned with consciousness in
intellectual and literary values of inherited works. Yet, there are some drawbacks in the studies examining the
literary values in such aspects. Some studies, in particular, reveal an inadequate knowledge in literary criticism
and the lacking integration of the research results, especially of the writing techniques and interpretation.
Others seek to focus on accurate presentation of the works as their literary asset, rather than treat the works
as a fountain of wisdom.
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