นาควัชระ, . (2009, October 4). อารมณ์ ความรู้สึก ประสบการณ์: มุมมองของมนุษยศาสตร์ Emotion, Feeling, Experience: The Humanities Viewpoint . Songklanakarin : E-Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities [Online], 15(3). Available: https://kaekae.oas.psu.ac.th/ojs/psuhsej/viewarticle.php?id=641.
อารมณ์ ความรู้สึก ประสบการณ์: มุมมองของมนุษยศาสตร์ Emotion, Feeling, Experience: The Humanities Viewpoint
เจตนา นาควัชระ,
The author discusses the main thesis of the paper by analyzing a series of concrete examples. At the
popular level, emotion is often viewed in a negative way as uncontrollable desire. But most artists, thinkers,
philosophers and scholars believe that if properly directed, emotion can be constructive, as in the case of its
connection with religious faith. Thai people understood very well the multiplicity of emotions, as reflected in
the Thai word chai. Poets and artists are of the opinion that emotion can serve as an impetus to creativity,
which in certain cases can reach up to transcendence. Be that as it may, Thai as well as foreign artists and
thinkers agree that emotion must be channelled in a positive direction, such as being tempered by reason. The
author draws attention to what he calls an aesthetics of reticence. The humanities put great emphasis on the
equilibrium between emotion and reason and continue to believe in the creative urge in man. As for other
disciplines, research in neuroscience, for example, poses a challenge to the humanities by hypothesizing that
mental frailty resulting in unethical behaviors could be the consequence of a physical ailment that could be
treated medically. Though no conclusive evidence is yet in sight, such challenges do keep the humanities
awake to all kinds of discoveries and hypotheses.
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